Sports ground maintenance: your sports fields in great condition with professional equipment

I am in charge of sports ground maintenance. This means that I have to take care of the sport fields. The students must be able to play without the risk of getting injured or being bothered by any problems with the fields.
Sports ground maintenance with professional mowers from Trilo’s
One of the main things in my job in taking care of the sports fields, is mowing the grass. We just got a new mower, the Trilo’s S-series sports field mower. We can cut the grass without damaging it . With this mowers we can save time and the fields are always in good condition. Bceause of the light weight of the machine it is easy to drive. Even in cases of heavy rain and mud, you can still mowe the grass without any problems. You are also able to reach the difficult spots on the sides of the field.
Keep the grass in good shape
With this machine the sports fields will be in good condition. With the grass short, birds will be discouraged to build nests on the fields so no damage or problems caused by birds on your fields. Great sports ground maintanance needs professional equipment, such as the mowers from Trilo’s.
Contact Trilo
Are you also in charge of sport ground maintenance and are you looking for a grass mower? Trilo’s S-series sports field mower definitaly is the one to beat. So take a look at Trilo’s website or contact them for further information. They can thell you more about the specifics of this great mower.