
Discovering piraeus port and the timeless beauty of Athens, greece

Piraeus Port, Greece's largest and most important port, stands as a gateway to the enchanting Aegean Sea. Explore this bustling harbor, where ferries and cruise ships embark on journeys to the Greek islands, setting the stage for unforgettable adventures.

The cradle of civilization

Athens, the capital of Greece, holds a rich history that spans over thousands of years. Delve into ancient civilizations as you walk through iconic landmarks, breathe in the vibrant atmosphere of modern Athens, and immerse yourself in the city's enduring cultural heritage. A visit to Athens Greece is incomplete without exploring the Acropolis, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Ascend this ancient citadel to behold the iconic Parthenon and other breathtaking temples, revealing the glory of ancient Greece and its architectural prowess.

A quaint journey through time

Stroll through the charming Plaka neighborhood, one of Athens' oldest districts. Its narrow streets, lined with vibrant bougainvillea and quaint shops, create a captivating ambiance. Savor Greek delicacies in traditional tavernas and embrace the charm of this historic quarter. Visit the National Archaeological Museum to witness an extensive collection of ancient artifacts, sculptures, and masterpieces. This unparalleled cultural institution provides insights into the splendor and legacy of ancient Greece.

Athens Greece

Vibrant nightlife and contemporary culture

Embrace Athens' lively nightlife, where bars, clubs, and music venues come alive. Experience the city's contemporary culture through art exhibitions, theater performances, and music festivals that celebrate both the past and present. Piraeus Port serves as a springboard for island hopping and sailing adventures in the Aegean Sea. Embark on a cruise to the picturesque islands of Santorini, Mykonos, and Crete, each offering its own unique beauty and cultural heritage.

The Maasai Mara Safari Experience

The Maasai Mara National Reserve, located in southwestern Kenya, is undoubtedly one of the world's most iconic and spectacular wildlife destinations. Covering an area of about 1,510 square kilometers, the reserve is named after the Maasai people, who have lived there for centuries, and the Mara River, which meanders through it.

A visit to the Maasai Mara is an experience that should be on every wildlife lover's bucket list. The reserve boasts an abundance of wildlife, including the "Big Five" - lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhino - as well as other big game such as cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, and gazelles. The reserve is also home to over 450 species of birds, making it a paradise for birdwatchers.

One of the best ways to explore the Maasai Mara is through a safari. A safari is a Swahili word that means "journey," and in this context, it refers to a guided tour of the reserve in a 4x4 vehicle with a knowledgeable guide. The cars used on safaris are specially designed to withstand the rugged terrain of the account and have open roofs to allow for unobstructed views of the wildlife.

A typical Masai mara safaris lasts between two and four hours, depending on the time of day and the interests of the visitors. The best times to go on a safari are early morning or late afternoon when the animals are most active. The early morning safari, also known as the "dawn patrol," provides an excellent opportunity to witness predators such as lions and leopards as they hunt their prey. The late afternoon safari, also known as the "sundowner," allows visitors to see the sunset over the savannah and catch a glimpse of nocturnal animals such as hyenas and genets.

One of the highlights of a Maasai Mara safari is the annual wildebeest migration, which occurs between July and October. During this time, over a million wildebeests and thousands of zebras and gazelles cross the Mara River in search of greener pastures. This is an awe-inspiring spectacle that draws visitors from all over the world.

Apart from safaris, there are other activities to do in the Maasai Mara. Visitors can take a hot air balloon ride over the savannah and witness the wildlife from above. This unique and exhilarating experience provides a different perspective of the reserve. Visitors can also go on a guided nature walk with a Maasai warrior and learn about the local flora, fauna, and Maasai culture.

Accommodation options in the Maasai Mara range from budget-friendly campsites to luxurious lodges. Many lodges and camps are located within the reserve, allowing visitors to experience the wildlife up close. Some lodges even have private game reserves, allowing visitors to have exclusive access to the wildlife.

Visitors to the Maasai Mara should be prepared for the rugged terrain and unpredictable weather. The reserve is 1,500-2,170 meters above sea level, and temperatures can range from 10°C to 30°C. It is advisable to pack warm clothing for early morning and evening safaris and lightweight clothing for the rest of the day. Visitors should also bring a good pair of walking shoes, a hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent.

Maasai Mara safari is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that should be noticed. The reserve offers an abundance of wildlife, breathtaking scenery, and unique cultural experiences. 

Wildebeest Migration Packages 

The wildebeest migration in Kenya is one of Earth's most spectacular natural phenomena. Every year, millions of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles embark on a journey that takes them from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara in Kenya and back again. This incredible event has become a significant tourist attraction, and there are many safari packages available that allow visitors to witness this spectacle firsthand.

One of the most popular safari packages is the Serengeti and Maasai Mara migration package. This package typically includes a visit to the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. Visitors will have the opportunity to witness the migration as the wildebeest cross the Mara River, which is a dangerous and thrilling spectacle. They will also have the chance to see other wildlife, such as lions, cheetahs, elephants, and giraffes.

Another popular package is the luxury wildebeest migration safari. This package typically includes accommodations in luxury lodges or tented camps, as well as private guided tours. Visitors will have the opportunity to witness the migration in comfort, with all the amenities of a luxury hotel. These packages often include extras such as hot air balloon rides, bush walks, and cultural visits to local Maasai villages.

For those who want to experience the wildebeest migration on a budget, there are also affordable safari packages available. These packages typically include accommodations in budget lodges or campsites and group tours. Visitors will still have the opportunity to witness the migration and see other wildlife, but they will do so at a lower cost.

Regardless of which package you choose, there are a few things to keep in mind when planning your wildebeest migration safaris

  1. It's essential to choose the right time of year. The migration typically takes place between June and September, but the exact timing can vary from year to year.
  2. It's crucial to choose a reputable tour operator. Look for companies that are registered with the local tourism board and have good reviews from previous customers.
  3. Make sure you pack appropriately for your trip.

The weather can be unpredictable, so bringing layers and rain gear is essential.

 Wildebeest migration safari is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that should be noticed. Whether you choose a luxury package or a budget package, witnessing the migration firsthand is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

RVS harden door Stainihard: het oppervlak van roestvast staal laten harden voor jouw onderneming!

Wil jij RVS harden voor binnen jouw industrie, maar ben je
daarvoor nog op zoek naar een bedrijf die dit voor jou kan betekenen? Lees dan
vooral nog even verder, want wij, van Aalberts Surface technologies, helpen jou
hier graag mee verder door de unieke werking van stainihard toe te passen. We
nemen je graag mee in de ontdekkingsreis hoe het harden van roestvast staal te
werk gaat en waar je het voor kunt toepassen. Er zit namelijk een hele tactiek
achter om dit proces in gang te laten zetten, interessant toch?

Wat is de functie van RVS harden en waar kan ik het voor

Eerst is het belangrijk om de functie van RVS harden te bespreken. Dat heeft met name te maken met het volgende. Heb je nog nooit van RVS harden gehoord of is het nog niet
geheel duidelijk voor je wat dit inhoudt? Dan is het goed om nog even verder te
lezen, want wij leggen je hier graag meer over uit. RVS staat voor roestvast
staal, dit kun je laten harden voor verschillende industrieën middels het
stainihard proces. stainihard is een uniek en door ons geregistreerd
handelsmerk. Dit kan gedaan worden door middel van warmtebehandeling. Maar hoe
zit dat dan precies en waar kun je het voor gebruiken?

Het stainihard proces wordt vaak gebruikt voor de
behandeling van leidingen, regelkleppen en afsluiters, pompen en machinedelen. Roest..
RVS harden wordt gedaan middels een speciale manier waarbij het oppervlak
verrijkt wordt met stikstof en koolstof. Deze stoffen kunnen vermengd worden
bij een lage temperatuur in het productoppervlak, namelijk onder de 450 graden.
Als gevolg ontstaat er een zeer hoge oppervlaktehardheid zonder dat de
corrosiebestendigheid beïnvloed wordt. Corrosie is de natuurlijke chemische
aantasting van het materiaal. Het proces onderverdeeld gaat als volgt:

  • De laag die wordt aangebracht is een s-fase (de expanded
    austenite zone), dit bestaat uit het betreffende RVS materiaal met daarin een
    oververzadiging van stikstof- en koolstofatomen;
  • vervolgens ontstaan er hoge drukspanningen;
  • de hardheid zal hierdoor fors toenemen;
  • bij stainihard NC wordt de vorming van chroomnitride en/of
    chroomcarbide onderdrukt, waardoor de expanded austenite ontstaat.

De diepte van de expanded austenite zone is afhankelijk van
het gekozen materiaal voor RVS harden, de deformatiegraad en de
oppervlaktegesteldheid. Door het proces van RVS harden zorgt je ervoor dat de
slijtvastheid en de hardheid van metaal verhoogd wordt.

Waar kan ik terecht voor de beste service omtrent het RVS
harden middels stainihard?

We zijn alweer aan het einde van dit artikel gekomen. Er zit zoals je ziet dus nog een heel systeem achter het
proces van RVS harden. Als je nog geheel onbekend bent met dit onderwerp,
kunnen wij ons voorstellen dat het allemaal nog vreemde woorden voor je zijn.
Heb je nog vragen over RVS harden? Dan kun je gerust naar onze website gaan om meer informatie
op te zoeken of contact met ons op te nemen. Wij zijn specialist op het gebied
van warmte- en oppervlaktebehandelingen voor een breed spectrum aan
marktsegmenten en onderscheiden ons door ons unieke stainihard proces aan te
bieden naast de reguliere warmtebandelingen die er zijn.


What You Need to Know About B2B Customer Portals 

If you own a B2B company, you might be wondering what a customer portal is and how it can help your business. A customer portal is an online platform that allows customers to access information and interact with your business in a secure environment. This includes tasks such as tracking orders, submitting inquiries or complaints, submitting forms, requesting support, and more. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the benefits of having a B2B customer portal and why it should be part of your business strategy. 

Streamlined Communication 

A customer portal simplifies communication between you and your customers. For example, if a customer has a question about their order status or needs technical support on how to use one of your products, they can log into the portal and get the answers they need quickly without having to contact you directly. This helps streamline communication between you and your customers while also saving time for both parties. 

Improved Customer Experience 

Having a customer portal gives customers quick access to all the information they need about your products or services in one place. For example, if they need to view invoices or check order status or submit returns, these tasks can all be done through the customer portal in an efficient manner. This eliminates any confusion for customers since everything is organized in one place instead of scattered across different sources. It also allows them to have more control over their experience since they are able to do things like track orders or submit inquiries with minimal effort on their part. 

Increased Security 

The security of customer data is paramount when it comes to setting up a B2B customer portal. Customers want to know that the information they share with you is safe from hackers and other malicious actors who could potentially steal sensitive data such as credit card numbers or other personal information. Having a secure system in place ensures that customers feel confident when interacting with your business online. Additionally, it protects your business from any potential legal issues that may arise if someone does manage to breach your system and steal confidential data from customers’ accounts. 


All in all, having a B2B customer portal from for instance, can help improve communication between businesses and their customers while also providing increased security for both parties involved. It provides an easy way for customers to access important information in one place while giving businesses better control over their interaction with clients as well as more insight into what those clients are looking for when visiting their site. Implementing a customer portal into your business strategy can thus provide plenty of benefits that will make both businesses and their customers happy!

What is good to know about a luxury light?

A luxury light is an exceptional addition to any room in the modern home. Not only can these lights add elegance and luxury to a space, they also require only low-energy qualities while retaining a high level of brightness. Furthermore, luxury lights can be used as an attractive statement piece in order to dramatically change the design elements of a room without having to completely redecorate. Whether it be for decorative appeal or illuminating purposes, luxury lights are surefire way to bring life and vibrancy into ones living area.

luxury light

What types of luxury light are there?

When it comes to luxury light fixtures, there is a wide array of options available to suit any design aesthetic. From sconces and table lamps to flush mounted ceiling lighting, luxury light adds an extra layer of sophistication that provides the perfect finishing touch in any home. Many luxury lights combine ambient light with accents such as crystals, glass beading and designer fabric shades that add dramatic flair – illuminating the room with their old-world charm. For those looking for something more modern, luxury lighting also come in sleek contemporary styles that expertly balance form and function. Whatever type of luxury light you have in mind, you're sure to find something beautiful to make your space look truly magnificent.

Is a luxury light expensive?

Luxury lights can be both affordable and expensive, depending on the type or brand you are looking for. A luxury light can range in price from a few dollars to several hundred dollars, and if you're looking for something designer or high-end, the price might even go up more. However, luxury lighting often surpasses aesthetic and design preferences of typical everyday lighting; these luxury pieces can be works of art that add an interesting touch to any living space. If affordability is not a problem, then luxury lighting can truly be worth the expense.

What should you know about rockwell hardness tester?

A rockwell hardness tester is an important tool that is used to determine the hardness of materials. This tester is an indentation-type device that uses a predetermined load and diamond or hardened steel indenter to measure the depth of penetration, which allows for accurate hardness measurements of metals. It’s easy to use and requires minimal operator effort, making it popular in a variety of industrial settings including aerospace, chemistry labs, and engineering workshops. The rockwell hardness tester offers advantages such as repeatable accuracy and test speeds much faster than other testing methods. Additionally, rockwell hardness testers are able to quickly distinguish differences in hardness between various alloys. Given its numerous benefits, rockwell hardness testers make it possible for the strength and durability of materials to be accurately assessed with ease.

rockwell hardness tester

What is a hardness tester made out of?

A rockwell hardness tester is a tool designed to measure the hardness of metal by applying force to the surface and examining the displacement of a diamond-shaped indentation. To ensure accuracy and precision, rockwell hardness testers are typically made from hardened steel and carbide, materials that stand up against wear and tear as well as corrosive elements. Unlike conventional measuring tools, rockwell hardness tests provide instantaneous readings that are widely accepted throughout multiple industries for their consistency in determining the strength of various engineering materials.

Is a hardness tester expensive?

A hardness tester may often be seen as an expensive tool, but this is not necessarily the case. Depending on its intended use, hardness testers can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars and while they do represent a significant investment in certain industries, there are many test kits that provide good value without breaking the bank. Many hardness testers also come with great warranties and customer service packages that make them an even more attractive option for those considering buying one.

Use bonuslots when you are gambling!

In this article we will tell you more about Bonuslots and the purpose of this website. Bonuslots is established by gambling specialists that have been playing online casino games for a few years now. For them it is important that they play at casinos of high quality, not only for the casino games, but also the interface, the banking, bonuses and customer service. When reviewing an online casino website, they will take everything into consideration to make sure that you can play at the best online casino without having to take a lot of effort into researching. In the Bonuslots website, you will find information about gambling sites, games, but also about different regulations and other important things you need to know about online gambling. 

About Bonuslots

Bonuslots is established by two gambling experts and they work together with a team consisting of 8 writers and designers that work daily on the Bonuslots website. Their mission is to give you the best possible insight into what you can play best and how you can do this. Responsible Gambling is very important to them.

Slot reviews

In their websites you will find reviews of different slot games, for regular slots and also videoslots. All the games that are reviewed are played by themselves and they believe in quality and honesty, so they will provide you with information about their real experience. Furthermore, they describe all kinds of slots: Megaway Slots, old school and fruit slots! Overall, they have written more than 250.000 words on slots reviews!

Online casino reviews

The team has also done a lot of research on the best online casinos, on the websites you can read everything about their experiences and it helps you with finding a casino that suits you the best. They reviewed over 15 online casinos which include Unibet, Mansion, Megaslots and SlotWolf. 

When reviewing a casino, they look at a lot of different aspects, for example, the history of a casino and their best features.

Top 5’s

Looking for top 5 slots and videoslots? They did not only review the slot games, but they also made a clear list for you! Here you can find their best slot games based on their experiences and give them a try! 

More blogs

And on their website, you can find even more blogs about different topics! They help you with gambling tips and provide you with helpful information. With their blogs they help you to play more responsible and safer, it prevents you from making mistakes when gambling online. 

So, if you want to start with online gambling, but you feel like you are not confident enough with the knowledge you have, we would recommend reading their blogs, because you can learn a lot about the basics and information about specific terms in the online casino world. 

Are you interested in learning more about gambling? Do you want to know what online casinos are reliable and good? Check out ! Playing responsibly and safely is very important for them, so we can promise you that you are in good hands! 

7 Great Beaches on the Balearic Island of Menorca

Menorca is an island of incredible beauty, from the rolling fields in the center to the spectacular beaches which line the coast offering a greater expanse of sand and water than Ibiza and Majorca combined! The island of Menorca is renowned for offering an escape from the masses but without sacrificing any of the facilities that you might find on more crowded resorts.

The beaches in particular are simply stunning, offering all kinds of escapes from tiny bays to long stretches of glorious sand, perfect for families, couples or even solo holidaymakers seeking a quiet retreat. With enough beaches on Menorca to visit a different one every day of the year, it can be difficult to decide where to go. We take a look at seven of the most memorable beaches the island has to offer.

1) Punta Prima

For holidaymakers looking for a beach which is large, traditional and with plenty of facilities, Punta Prima ticks all the boxes. On the south coast and very near to Mao and Es Castell, it is considered a very safe beach for children with shallow and warm waters. The beach is deep with plenty of room and there is an area to the right which is solely reserved for families with babies and toddlers. Thoughtfully, the resort developers have even built a wooden walkway across the sand to solve the age-old problem of the buggy’s wheels getting stuck! With lots of facilities surrounding the beach, plus watersports and kayaking available, it’s little surprise that this frequently hits the top of any Menorcan beach list. Nearby you will find many great hotels in Menorca.

2) Playa Binigaus

A very unspoilt beach, Playa Binigaus is simply huge and lies on the south coast of the island, west of Sant Tomas. Offering a valley backdrop as well as access to the quirky ‘cathedral’ caves, the beach is roomy with warm shallow waters and soft sand seabeds. Menorca has no official nudist beaches but some sections of Playa Binigaus are often used as nudist areas. The beach is so vast, there’s no need to stay in sight of a nudist area if you would rather not but it’s worth being aware so you don’t get a shock en-route to your spot!

3) Pregonda

This beach is not your typical sandy affair and what’s more can only be reached after a 30 minute hike along a well-beaten track. However, what waits upon your arrival makes the effort more than worthwhile. Pregonda is part of a marine nature reserve so perhaps it’s little surprise to discover that it is one of the most stunning beaches visually on the island. Surrounded by rolling green fields and sand dunes, it offers reddish-gold sands and dusky pink rocks, an unusual spectacle to say the least! The net result is an almost ethereal image, enhanced by its relative sparsity of visitors.

There are no facilities but the nearby Binimel-la Beach (where you park your car) has a snack bar offering hot food. But with crystalline still waters, and tiny off-shore rocky islands protecting the beach from any winds, not to mention the rare marine life you are likely to see, Pregonda is a must on any list of top  beaches on Menorca.

4) Cala Mesquida

You know you have found a good beach when it is a favorite with the locals, and Cala Mesquida is exactly that. Known as a virgin beach – one without facilities and in its natural state – it is undeniably beautiful and offers an escape from the crowds. Although there are no on-site facilities, a van selling home-made ice cream is there every day, offering drinks as well as a few basic snacks. To get to the beach you must pass through a tiny fishing village where there is a wonderful restaurant offering freshly caught seafood for lunch. In the high season it is very busy. Would you rather avoid the crowds? Then choose the departure date September the 10th.

5) Cala en Porter

Widely suggested as the best beach on the island, Cala en Porter is a deep inlet which means the weather is often more sheltered than in other places, even in the middle of the winter months. With waters which are gentle and still, they are shallow enough for children of all ages whilst excellent snorkeling is available underneath the cliffs. A supermarket lies behind the beach to stock up on supplies, and with plenty of bars, restaurants and cafes surrounding Cala en Porter, it has arguably the best facilities on the island. There is also free parking and showers plus a small children’s play area on the beach.

6) Cala Blanca

Another beach offering top notch facilities, Cala Blanca doesn’t just have beach side shops and cafes. With views over the nearby mountains, white sands, and crystal clear gentle waters it ticks every box for the perfect beach retreat. With a small designated children’s play area next to the beach, and a diving school situated here too, there’s plenty for the whole family whether you want to sit and soak up some rays, or learn a new skill such as diving!

7) Cala en Brut

When is a beach not exactly a beach? Cala en Brut is the definitive answer. Many holidaymakers enjoy the sea but dislike the inconvenience and mess of the accompanying sandy beach. So with this in mind, Cala en Brut has been developed to provide access to the long inlet from the sea but without the usual accompanying sands.

Cala en Brut offers sunbathing platforms along the inlet, with easy access into the still waters. A natural inlet from the sea, the waters are clear, gentle and deep, with a sandy seabed underfoot. The perfect ‘beach’ for those who love the sea but dislike the yellow stuff alongside it!


The above 7 beaches are just a snapshot of those available on the island. All offer gentle, warm and crystal-clear waters, beautiful surroundings and the best of the wonderful Menorcan climate. Whether you are yearning for a pine-forest virgin beach retreat or a thriving sandy resort close to amenities, there is something for holidaymakers of all ages on the Balearic island of Menorca.

Tips for Getting the Cheapest Home Insurance

Are you looking for ways to save money on your home insurance? If so, you're in luck! In this blog post, we will discuss some tips that will help you get the cheapest rates possible. Home insurance is important to have in case of an emergency, but that doesn't mean that you have to overpay for it. Follow these tips and you'll be able to get a great deal on your policy without sacrificing coverage. Also look at

What is important about a home insurance?

A home insurance policy is an insurance contract that covers your home and possessions in the event of loss or damage. The amount of coverage you need depends on the value of your home and belongings, as well as the risks to which they are exposed. For example, if you live in a high-crime area, you will likely need more coverage than someone who lives in a low-crime area. Home insurance policies typically cover three types of events: fire, theft, and weather damage. In some cases, additional coverage can be purchased for things like flooding or earthquakes. While it is not required by law, having a home insurance policy can provide peace of mind in the event that your home is damaged or destroyed.

Why some people don't have their house insured

Home insurance is one of those things that most people know they should have, but sometimes it can be difficult to justify the expense. After all, your home is built to last, right? And as long as you take good care of it, there's no reason to think anything will happen to it. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. Whether it's a severe storm that causes damage to your roof or a fire that destroys everything inside, accidents can happen. That's why it's important to have home insurance. It can help you recover from a disaster and rebuild your life. Even if your home is paid off, home insurance can still provide financial protection in the event of a catastrophe. So if you're thinking about skipping out on home insurance, remember that it could end up costing you a lot more in the long run.

Top 10 adventures to try in Dubai

Are you planning a trip to Dubai? Then of course you want to know what to do here. In this blog you will find the 10 best things to do in Dubai. It is useful to book your overnight stays in advance. On you will find an overview of the best hotels in the United Arab Emirates including Dubai. 

1) Skydiving

This is probably the most extreme adventure in the emirate. If you’re looking for a thrill of a lifetime this is the sport for you. The best-known company organizing the jumps in the emirate is Skydive Dubai. Be sure to check with your physician first as this is not an activity for the faint-hearted.

2) Hot Air Balloon Ride

This experience never loses its magic and romance. Even if you’ve tried this in another country, a ride over the velvet desert sand dunes away from the city is sure to be an experience you will remember. There are several companies in Dubai that can arrange the activity, including Balloon Adventures Emirates and Arabian Horizons.

3) Desert Safari

After a busy and stressful week, what better way to unwind that to get away to the desert. Get one of the many companies to arrange the logistics, food and drinks, pack up your essentials and get going. Many companies will organize some dune bashing, followed by a festive evening of food, music and dancing. However, you can customize your trip according to your preferences.

4) Sailing

Whether you’re a beginner or a professional and whether you’re looking for big or small boats, Dubai offers sailing options for everyone. The centuries-old activity is popular among Dubai residents and tourists. For those seeking to learn, several places provide lessons such as the Dubai Offshore Sailing Club.

5) Diving

If you’re passionate about sea and ocean life, Dubai can present you with several options to pursue your hobby. Many diving centers organize trips in the waters of the United Arab Emirates and Oman, with varying experiences for different levels. Many provide the diving gear required and issue a certificate after a few classes with a professional instructor.

6) Parasailing

This is one of the greatest adventures one can undertake. While the duration of the activity might be relatively short compared to others, the experience is quite amazing. It’s basically a mixture of parachuting and sailing. The person is strapped to a parachute that is connected to the end of a speedboat. Usually, it lasts for 15 minutes and can be done from several locations in Dubai including some of the hotels on Jumeriah Beach Road.

7) Paragliding

This is another adventure sport that incorporates using a parachute. Paragliding has become pretty popular in the emirate over the past few years with a number of annual competitions promoting it. While there are many forms for the sport, ejecting from an aircraft is the most prevalent type in Dubai due to the lack of mountainous areas.

8) Kayaking

If you’re a keen paddler this is the sport for you. There are several venues renting kayaks by the hour, including the Hilton Hotel at Jumeirah Beach Residence. You can also get your own kayak at any of the large sports shops in the emirate and head to the beach.

9) Water parks

If you’re looking to spend the day outdoors, have friends visiting or want to entertain your kids, amusement water parks are an ideal choice. In Dubai, you can head to Wild Wadi, which offers a wide range of water rides, or to the Aquaventure at Atlantis Hotel where you can see dolphins or have fun on the different slides and water roller coasters.

10) Shooting

If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at shooting a gun, the Jebel Ali Shooting Club provides both pistol and archery options. The club has a beautiful outdoors venue surrounded by greenery, as well as indoor locations for pistol shooting at a range of 25 meters.